Author: Surya

Surya Halfofthe Author

Surya is HalfofThe's author and has a range of interests. Surya likes to write about how technology impacts the current generation, interesting internet topics, as well as the intersection of technology and civilization.

What foods are high in fiber? Fiber is a compound found mainly a carbohydrate that your body can’t digest, that passes through our stomach and intestines relatively unchanged. The key role of fiber is to maintain a healthy digestive system and keeps our intestines cleaned. Intake of fiber can’t have any nutritional value to your body, but it has other benefits. Let’s look into the benefits we expect from consuming fiber-rich foods. Helps In Achieving Healthy Weight: Consuming rich-fiber foods will help you to feel full more than low-fiber foods, So you can eat less and feel satisfied for a…

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Currently, the major worry is the Delta variant and how to test Delta variant, a highly contagious coronavirus strain. It was first detected in India in December and started spreading over the country and then to the U.K. and after to the U.S., Now it has become the predominant variant in the world. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention mentioned the Delta strain is more contagious than influenza, common cold, the viruses that cause smallpox, SARS, MERS, Ebola, even more, contagious than chickenpox reported in The New York Times.  This is spreading very fast in areas with low vaccination rates, the…

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Apple is about to launch a new technology that will allow it to scan your iCloud and identify the pictures and videos of Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM), and also the media content related to child abuse and child pornography. This new technology is expected to be announced soon officially and can be integrated with Apple servers. Once the company is done with the development it can be implemented on the user’s device to detect if there is any content related to CSAM, if it detects any such content it will immediately respond and notifies Apple servers. This whole process…

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The new variant of COVID-19 is more contagious than the previous strain, Delta plus variant is on its way to infect more people around the world, the spread has already begun in some regions. In South Korea officials reported that two cases of the Delta Plus variant have already been confirmed. The 40-year-old man got infected with this new variant and has no record of recent traveling. The second infected person has returned from the U.S. and got both doses of AstraZeneca’s vaccine for coronavirus. According to World Health Organization, in June, the Delta Plus variant “variant of concern,” was…

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The process of converting insoluble food molecules into small water-soluble food molecules is called digestion, this breakdown of food molecules will help the body to absorb nutrients into the blood plasma which can be converted into energy and the wastage is removed by your body. So how does food digest in a step-by-step process? Your Digestive system consists of 5 main parts: MouthEsophagusStomachSmall IntestineLarge Intestine How Does Food Digest? When you eat food the first action of your body is chewing, when you are chewing food the glands that present in your mouth releases saliva, which helps to grind heavy…

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Creating a Google account is a very easy process, but many people don’t know how to delete a Google account permanently, in this article we will guide you on how to delete Google account permanently. Once you delete your email address, that specific address will not be made available for any other use in the future. How to delete Google account? If you’re looking forward to deleting your Google account, you probably should download and save your data beforehand. With over 1.5 billion active Gmail users, nearly one person in every five on earth has a Google account. If you…

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As a YouTuber, you can temporarily hide your YouTube content or you can permanently delete your YouTube channel. If you choose to hide your YouTube content temporarily, you can always re-enable it later, on the other hand, if you choose to delete YouTube channel permanently then beware that it will also delete your Community posts, comments, and replies. If you have decided to delete your channel it is highly recommended to download all your content before terminating your channel because there is no way you can recover it later. Here is how to delete Youtube channel permanently: On your computer,…

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Does yoga help you lose weight? Well, it may not be the most effective way to lose weight, but there are a few benefits of doing yoga that does promote healthy living. Yoga is great because it can offer flexibility and strength training for your muscles which will improve posture and make everyday tasks easier. It also promotes stress relief as well as relaxation which is important for overall wellness. So while you probably won’t see huge results from doing only it, there are many other health benefits to consider! To create the best version of yourself yoga helps and…

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Do you love fast food but also want to eat healthily? If you are wondering what are some healthy fast food? You’re not alone! Eating fast food is one of the most popular American pastimes, and there’s a good chance that many people reading this article are enjoying a burger right now. But how do we make it healthier? If you are running late and have no time to cook, you need to grab some fast food on the go. When it comes to fast foods, they are very high in calories and sugars. So, they are not a good…

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It is okay to take a break from social media but before you delete Twitter account permanently you need to deactivate it first, after deactivating, Twitter gives you 30-days time, during that window, you can decide if you want to delete your account permanently or if you would like to just deactivate it temporarily.  Deactivating means your username and profile will not appear on the Twitter website or app. After deactivating your account you should remember not to use your Twitter account to log in or sign in to any other applications on your device.   Deactivate Twitter Account: Step 1…

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