Amazon Prime is a great video-on-demand service for those who use the site regularly. However, you plan to cancel Amazon Prime subscription since you may have signed up for Amazon Prime, then decided it wasn’t quite right for you. In that case, how to cancel Amazon Prime, don’t worry this article will show you how.
To cancel Amazon Prime, you first have to log into your account, then click on “Your Prime Membership” under the category “Accounts & Lists.” Click on “End Membership and Benefits” on the left side, then click on “Continue to Cancel” and “Cancel Membership” every time these prompts appear.
Steps to Cancel Amazon Prime Subscription:
- Log into your Amazon account, then navigate to the top right of the page.
- Hover your mouse over “Account & Lists”, then click on “Your Prime Membership” from the appearing dropdown menu.
- To the left-hand side of the “Your Prime Membership” page your membership info will be displayed, including the preferred payment card, the date your account is paid through, along with an option to end the membership. Click on “End Membership and Benefits”.
- On the upcoming page, Amazon will try to convince you to stay by listing all the benefits you’ll lose should you decide to go through with cancellation. Scroll to the bottom to click on “I Do Not Want My Benefits”.
- Amazon will follow up twice to make sure you want to cancel the membership.
- Click on “Continue to Cancel”, then “Cancel Membership” on two subsequent screens that will appear to completely cancel your account.
How can you get a refund for Amazon Prime?
As per Amazon, customers who have paid for Prime membership, however, have never used their benefits could be eligible for a full refund.
If you want to cancel your membership within three business days of converting from your free trial, you will also be eligible for a full refund, that is if you didn’t use any Prime benefits during the time.
Those who have used the benefits can be eligible for a partial refund based on the remaining time in their membership combined with their use.
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